An exciting year ahead vintage fans....Lola's Vintage Wardrobe Online Store will be launched shortly...the count down begins!!
I will also be Blogging a full Vintage report from the second hand, vintage and junk shops and flea markets of Berlin in a few weeks, hopefully a report or 2 from Paris after that, and then Japan (lace glove clad fingers crossed....)
So, Lola's International Vintage Handbook if you will!
So that's a look into the future, for now, as usual, a little peak into the past.....
Madonna has been my Xmas theme tune this year....Strike the pose people.
So here's a little peak into the fashion fiend's dabble into lace gloves, as well as a bang up to date look at a recent project from Glovedup for House of Organza, see more here...
This autumn/winter saw a celebrated return for lace, perhaps spring/summer will keep this going, if so i predict white and cream vintage lace,
Love Lola x x
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